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Recruiting Process

Check out Samsung’s recruiting process by each type of hiring.

Hiring Process - New Employee Hiring Process - New Employee

* The application process may differ from company to company and from job to job.

Samsung’s open recruitment uses a fair evaluation system that focuses on individual applicants’ competencies.

Application Screening

Application Screening

The job fit assessment is a screening round that assesses applicants’ efforts and achievements with respect to competencies for the job.

The applicant's capabilities are assessed based on the details of courses undertaken in the applicant's field of study, as well as activities and experience connected to job duties and the essay etc. provided in the application.

For the R&D, technology, and software job categories, applicants who have successfully completed studies in their major are given priority after a comprehensive assessment of their competencies, including the number and difficulty of subjects completed as well as grades earned.

Specifications unrelated to the job are not accepted.


Global Samsung Aptitude Test


The GSAT evaluates applicants’ overall ability to handle a given situation rather than specific knowledge.

  • The GSAT has been conducted online since 2020. Applicants must take the test in an isolated test site, and possess a PC and smartphone.
  • To ensure legitimate testing, a preliminary call will be made to inspect each applicant’s testing environment. Applicants who do not accept the preliminary call may be restricted from taking the test on the test day.
Development software jobs

Software development jobs

SW Competency Test

The Software Competency Test was introduced to measure applicants’ problem-solving ability for software jobs, and is a practical test that requires direct coding on a PC to solve problems.

Available programming languages are C, C++, Java, and Python. Applicants are given 240 minutes to solve a total of 2 problems.
Applicants can practice and participate in mock problem solving through the SW Expert Academy (https://www.swexpertacademy.com).

Design jobs

Design jobs

Portfolio Review

This is a screening process for design applicants to have their design skills evaluated.

After the results of the job fit assessment, applicants will receive a designated form for each job. Applicants must submit a portfolio of individual and team-based work according to the given requirements.

채용프로세스 - 신입 채용프로세스 - 신입

* The application process may differ from company to company and from job to job.

채용프로세스 - 신입 채용프로세스 - 신입

* The application process may differ from company to company and from job to job.

Samsung’s open recruitment uses a fair evaluation system that focuses on individual applicants’ competencies.

직무적합성 평가

Application Screening

The job fit assessment is a screening round that assesses applicants’ efforts and achievements with respect to competencies for the job.

The applicant's capabilities are assessed based on the details of courses undertaken in the applicant's field of study, as well as activities and experience connected to job duties and the essay etc. provided in the application.

For the R&D, technology, and software job categories, applicants who have successfully completed studies in their major are given priority after a comprehensive assessment of their competencies, including the number and difficulty of subjects completed as well as grades earned.

Specifications unrelated to the job are not accepted.


Global Samsung Aptitude Test


The GSAT evaluates applicants’ overall ability to handle a given situation rather than specific knowledge.

  • The GSAT has been conducted online since 2020. Applicants must take the test in an isolated test site, and possess a PC and smartphone.
  • To ensure legitimate testing, a preliminary call will be made to inspect each applicant’s testing environment. Applicants who do not accept the preliminary call may be restricted from taking the test on the test day.
Development software jobs

Software development jobs

SW Competency Test

The Software Competency Test was introduced to measure applicants’ problem-solving ability for software jobs, and is a practical test that requires direct coding on a PC to solve problems.

Available programming languages are C, C++, Java, and Python. Applicants are given 240 minutes to solve a total of 2 problems.
Applicants can practice and participate in mock problem solving through the SW Expert Academy (https://www.swexpertacademy.com).

You can consult the job postings for each company for details on their application procedures.

View current job postings